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In what languages is dashpoint available?

dashpoint is currently available in English, French and Spanish.

We are currently working on translating it to Portuguese, Russian, Italian and German.

New languages to follow.  If you would like any language developed in addition to the ones mentioned, please post below.

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Marcos Paulino
Dashpoint is now available in Portugese (Brasil) - Enjoy ... Read More
Friday, 21 March 2014 01:00
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Why do they call it Bluetooth?

"Bluetooth" was the code-name given by engineers from Ericsson to honor a tenth-century Viking king.

Harald Blåtand who reigned from 940 to 985 was credited for unifying Denmark, bringing order to the country.  Blåtand roughly translated to English means "Bluetooth." But rather than referring to the color of his teeth, Blåtand actually referred to the color of Harald's hair, which was a very dark color that was not typical of Vikings.

Since the development of Bluetooth in 1994 by Swedish telecommunications firm Ericsson, there have been more than 1800 companies worldwide who have signed as members of the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) in order to build products to the wireless specification, as well as to promote the new technology in the marketplace.

Source: http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art24461.asp

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Wikis, Blogs, Forums, Knowledgbases and Web Pages

It seems that as the internet evolves webpages are taking a turn as well.  For the better it seems, yet it has many people scratching their heads as to what is what, and what type of webpage is best for which function.

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What is a blog, and why do people do it?

As you can already see, blogging is a key function of dashpoint.  Most people don't know what blogging is, and many confuse it with a forum, or a wiki.  I will leave this comparison for my next article.

Right now, let's define what a blog (weB LOG) is, and the main reason for people to do it.

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